Terms and conditions

  1. General provisions

The website at www.integra.en is owned by Integra d. o. o. (hereinafter: ‘Integra’).

The present terms and conditions apply to all the Users of the said website. By using any part of the said website or all its parts collectively, you accept all the present terms of use, along with any amendments and alterations made by the owner at any time and without prior notice.

By entering their data and accepting a quote, the User is assumed to have accepted these general terms and conditions.

Integra reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time. The changes take effect at the time of publication. The User is obligated to regularly read the terms and conditions and is assumed, by accessing the website, to be familiar with the current terms and conditions, and additionally verifies this upon confirming the purchase of a product or service.

The terms and conditions as well as the business relationship between the User and Integra are subject to the laws of the Republic of Croatia. In the event of a dispute, the parties will try to resolve it amicably, and if this is not possible, the court in Zagreb has jurisdiction.

2. Electronic communication

By visiting and using Integra’s webpages, the User agrees to communication via electronic means, with all agreements, notices, announcements and other content delivered to them electronically satisfy legal requirements as if they were made in written form.

If the visitor or User does not have an email address, enters an incorrect email address or cannot receive emails because of technical reasons, Integra is not obligated to try to inform them by any other means about the purchase order itself or about any other details related to that order, delivery, payment, refund, complaint and the like.

3. Data protection

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC), the Service Provider collects and processes the personal data of the User in a legal, fair and transparent manner, and only the data necessary for the performance of the service agreed between the Service Provider and the User.

For the sake of clarity and the easier understanding of these terms, ‘Service Provider’ means Integra d. o. o. and ‘User’ means a person visiting the website of the Service Provider, a potential business associate of the Service Provider and any user of the services of the Service Provider.

a) Types of personal data collected and processed

‘Personal data’ means any data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a first name, last name, personal identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, psychological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Access to services through the website does not require registration or the creation of a user account through which personal data would be disclosed. However, if the User wants to apply to attend a seminar or send a query related to one of the services provided or another type of business collaboration, some personal data is required to process the application or query. In such a case, it is necessary to send or otherwise disclose one’s first name, last name, email address, telephone number as well as data or documents related to the type of service or collaboration in question (documents for translation or proofreading, information about a conference, information about studies completed or working languages of the translation project etc.). If the User chooses not to send or disclose this data, the Service Provider will not be able to respond to their inquiry or request. Personal data is processed exclusively for the purposes of which the User has been informed and collected at the time of data collection.

The Data Controller is the person authorised to represent Integra d. o. o. and the User can send them any questions related to the processing of personal data to integra@integra.hr or by mail to Integra d. o. o., Amruševa 10, 10 000 Zagreb.

b) Use of personal data

Personal data is used exclusively for the performance of the services that fall under the business activities of the Service Provider or for technical purposes in the administrative activities for the website, the communication with the User and the generation of statistical data. Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties except with the express consent of the User. The Service Provider independently decides what data is needed to perform the service. If the data is not provided, there is a possibility that the Service Provider will not be able to fulfil its obligations and establish a business relationship with the User.

The User has the right to request, from the Service Provider, access to their personal data and the correction of their personal data at any time.

Requests for access to data or the correction of personal data can be sent by the User via the contact form on the website of the Service Provider or to integra@integra.hr. These requests may contain a request to be provided information on how the Service Provider processes the data and for what purpose or the User may request that the data be changed or updated if it is incorrect or incomplete. The Service Provider is obligated to process such a request as soon as possible, but no later than one month after having received it. This period can be extended to two months in case of an increased workload of the Service Provider, of which it must notify the User as soon as possible.

c) Consent

When arranging and agreeing upon a business relationship with the Service Provider, as well as when sending general queries or requests for quotes, the User gives consent to the Service Provider for processing personal data necessary to process the request.

The User has the right to withdraw their consent for the processing of personal data at any time. For this purpose, they can send in a request to stop the processing of their data via the contact form on the website of the Service Provider or to integra@integra.hr. The Service Provider will immediately cease all further processing and inform the User of this. If the Service Provider is unable to perform its contractual obligations to the User because of ceasing to process data, it will not be liable to the User for non-performance or the possible damage caused by non-performance, while the User will be liable for all the costs incurred by the Service Provider.

When consent is withdrawn, the Service Provider will immediately and permanently delete all the data collected about the User.

d) Objection

In case of suspecting the misuse or denial of data, the User has the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority, the Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency (AZOP).

e) Deletion of personal data

The User has the right to request the deletion of their personal data from the Service Provider. Such a request can be sent via the contact form on the website of the Service Provider or to integra@integra.hr. The Service Provider is obligated to process such a request as soon as possible, but no later than one month after having received it. This period can be extended to two months in case of an increased workload of the Service Provider, of which it must notify the User as soon as possible. The Service Provider will immediately cease all further processing and inform the User of this. If the Service Provider is unable to perform its contractual obligations to the User because of ceasing to process data, it will not be liable to the User for non-performance or the possible damage caused by non-performance, while the User will be liable for all the costs incurred by the Service Provider.

f) Automatic recording of information (non-personal information)

Each instance of access to the website of the Service Provider automatically records some general information not considered personal data (the browser of the User, the number of visits, the pages visited and the average visit duration per page). The information collected in this way is important for the Service Provider because it is used to measure interest in the content of the website and to improve this content as well as the user experience. This information is not forwarded to third parties.

g) Cookies

The webpages of the Service Provider use so-called cookies — data that the web server sends to the browser, which the browser writes to the disk of a local computer.

Cookies are small passive text files located in the browser’s memory when it is active or in a special directory on the hard disc (Temporary Internet Folder) when the browser is turned off. Cookies are used to maintain state information as one navigates through different webpages or returns to a website.

Cookies do not contain any personal data and cannot be used to launch programmes or transfer viruses to a computer.

Cookies do not act maliciously upon a system. They are not programmes, plugins or spam. They do not spread viruses and are not viruses. They do not read data on a computer to forward it to a third party. They are completely harmless and some complex applications cannot function without them.

The webpages of the Service Provider are connected to the Google Analytics statistics system and require third-party cookies in this system to create statistical data. Data about how Users use the webpages of the Service Provider may be collected, from time to time, using other tools similar to Google Analytics. If a User does not agree with their use, they can simply delete or disable cookies on their computer or mobile device in the browser settings. Given that the purpose of cookies is to improve the user experience, Users should be aware that by deleting or disabling them, they may also disable some of the functionalities of the website or its appearance in the browser.

h) Security

The Service Provider takes all available measures to ensure the security of personal data. The personal data of the User is systematically protected against loss, destruction, forgery, manipulation and unauthorised access or disclosure.

4. Language

The language of all communication on Integra’s website is Croatian and English.

5. Online purchases

Any User can order Integra’s products (services or goods) via the webpages, and these products include translation or proofreading services, the conversion of documents from PDF to text format, participation in seminars and licenses for the RWS Trados software.

A sales contract between a User and Integra becomes valid once the customer undertakes to pay the price of a product and Integra undertakes to perform a specific service or procure a specific product or right (license) for the User.

6. Service prices and payment

Prices are listed for all seminar and workshop registration fees as well as Trados licenses (Freelance versions). They are listed in euros and include VAT. The prices of translation and proofreading services are determined after reviewing the text or the programme of the conference which is the subject of translation or interpreting and are listed in a quote in euros and including VAT.

The offers and prices within special promotions are valid until the deadline specified on the website.

The User pays for the ordered products by transfer order, and the agreed amount is paid to Integra’s IBAN according to the issued proforma invoice, quote or invoice.

The User and Integra agree on a possible instalment payment plan with regard to any specific product.

Integra issues an invoice and sends it to the email address of the User after the goods have been sent, the license received or the payment of the seminar registration fee made. If the User wants the invoice to be sent by regular mail as well, this needs to be explicitly stated when ordering a product or service.

These terms and conditions also regulate the delivery of the ordered goods or services.

7. Warranty and the right to terminate a contract

The warranty period is specified for each individual product. For products for which the warranty period is not specified on the manufacturer’s website or on Integra’s website, the periods from the general warranty terms and conditions apply, according to the laws in force in the Republic of Croatia.

The email address for submitting complaints is podrska@integra.hr.

Any contract concluded through remote communication can be terminated by the customer within fourteen days without providing any reason for doing so. In case of concluding a contract for the sale of a product, this period begins from the day the customer received the product or confirmed the receipt of a performed service.

The contract is terminated by a written notice of termination sent to Integra.

The contract is terminated when Integra receives the notice of termination. The contract is considered terminated on time if the notice of termination was sent within the specified deadline for complaints.

In case of termination of the contract, the customer is obligated to return the product to Integra at the customer’s own expense.

The customer is not responsible for the damage incurred by Integra because of the termination of the contract. Integra is obligated to refund to the customer the entire amount that the customer had paid on the basis of the contract up to the time of termination within 30 days from the date of the receipt of the written notice of termination.

Unless the parties have agreed otherwise, the customer does not have the right to termination on the basis of the above if the said termination is regarding 1) a contract the object of which is the delivery of computer software unsealed after delivery or that initiates procedures that cannot be returned to the state before the download or delivery according to the contract, 2) a contract the object of which is the delivery of digital content begun with the explicit prior consent of the customer with their confirmation that they are aware of the fact that they will thereby lose the right to unilaterally terminate the contract or c) a contract the object of which is the provision of a service where it is agreed that the service will be provided on a certain date and in a certain period.

All other cases not explicitly stipulated in these terms and conditions are regulated by the Consumer Protection Act, the Civil Obligations Act and the Companies Act.

8. Company information

Company name: INTEGRA d. o. o. for IT and services

Abbreviated name: INTEGRA d. o. o.

Registered office: Milana Amruša 10, 10 000 Zagreb

Year of establishment: 1990 (the company is registered in the Register of the Commercial Court in Zagreb)

Founder and owner: Damir Pavuna, MSc, MEng

CEO: Nika Prlić

Telephone: 01 3833 429

Email address: integra@integra.hr

MB (registration number): 3509800

OIB (company PIN): 41849057634

Bank: Zagrebačka banka d. d. — the capital stock of the company is HRK 20,000.00 and has been paid in full

IBAN: HR6623600001101355418

Business hours: Monday — Friday, 8:00 — 16:00

Terms and conditions vary according to the type of service

Translation services

  1. General provisions

These terms and conditions refer to all the business relationships and business conducted between Integra d. o. o. (hereinafter: ‘Integra’) and the client (hereinafter: ‘Client’) regarding translation, proofreading, interpreting or other related services (hereinafter: ‘translation’) belonging to the business activities for which Integra d. o. o. is registered.

The Client is any legal or natural person that orders a service from Integra d. o. o.

By ordering a service, the Client accepts the provisions of these terms and conditions, and if there is a contract subsequently signed between the Client and Integra, the provisions of the said contract take precedence over these terms and conditions.

Integra undertakes to provide translation services in accordance with these terms and conditions. Integra reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time and, should such modifications occur during the performance of a translation service, undertakes to notify the Client of them in writing as soon as possible.

2. Service prices and payment

The smallest chargeable unit of measure for a written translation is one standard page (1500 characters with spaces, unless otherwise agreed at the express request of the Client). Proofreading and copy editing services are charged in the same manner. The number of characters is determined from the source text and rounded up to the nearest whole number.

For interpreting (consecutive, simultaneous and whispered), the smallest chargeable unit of measure is one hour of interpreting. When calculating the price, the time the interpreter spent with the Client from the agreed time of arrival to the event venue until the end of the event (meeting, lecture, speech, conference, etc.) is included, regardless of how much of that time the interpreter spent interpreting.

For translations that need to be done urgently, an urgency surcharge is applied. A translation consisting of more than six standard pages (from a foreign language into Croatian) or four standard pages (from Croatian into a foreign language) that needs to be completed in one business day (which does not include the day of the receipt of the text) is considered urgent.

Special discounts are defined either by a special contract between the Client and Integra or directly between the Client and Integra for any individual translation project.

The Client pays for the translation by transfer order, and the agreed amount is paid to Integra’s IBAN according to the issued proforma invoice, quote or invoice.

The User and Integra agree on a possible instalment payment plan with regard to any specific product.

Integra issues an invoice and sends it to the email address of the User after the goods have been sent, the license received or the payment of the seminar registration fee made. If the User wants the invoice to be sent by regular mail as well, this needs to be explicitly stated when ordering a product or service. These terms and conditions also regulate the delivery of the ordered goods or services.

Integra has the right to demand payment from the Client of half of the translation price or of the full price in advance when it determines that a project is large in scope or of the full price upon the Client receiving the translation, no later than 15 days after the invoice is issued unless otherwise agreed.

Integra has the right to charge the Client for, i.e. include in the price of the translation, all the costs related to rendering the translation that are directly related to the project, such as bank fees, postal costs, travel costs, etc.

In the event that the Client is late with the payment, Integra has the right to charge statutory default interest on the amount owed and take all legal steps to collect the claim.

Integra prepares a written quote based on the review of the complete documentation and the agreement with the Client.

3. Translation deadlines and delivery

The completed written translation is delivered to the Client by email to their address in the format agreed with the Client and, depending on the agreed terms, it can be sent by post, courier or picked up in person at Integra.

The agreed period for the translation project according to the deadline starts from the first business day after the Client accepts the quote, unless otherwise agreed.

4. Rights and obligations of the Client and Integra

The Client is obligated to cooperate with Integra so the quality of the written translation would be as high as possible, namely by delivering to Integra, in a timely manner, all the glossaries, translated literature, text templates containing technical terminology, special remarks and everything else necessary for an accurate and high-quality translation that they can help Integra by providing. Integra has the right to ask the Client to appoint a person whom Integra can contact with questions and dilemmas related to technical terminology encountered in the translation process.

The Client is obligated to cooperate with Integra so the quality of the interpreting service would be as high as possible, namely by delivering to Integra, in a timely manner, all the information, clarifications and literature related to the agreed interpreting service so Integra would be able to provide a service of the agreed quality.

Integra has the right to refuse, without any explanation, to prepare a written quote or proforma invoice if the text that needs to be translated has not been submitted to it for review or if it considers the text unacceptable for translation according to its criteria.

The Client has the right to submit a written objection to the delivered translation within 14 business days after receiving it, but only after they have fulfilled their contractual obligations. Integra is obliged to adhere to the agreed deadlines for translation delivery and to render the translation in accordance with the rules of the translators’ profession and the best knowledge and capabilities of its team.

In the event of a delay in the delivery of the translation, Integra is obligated to notify the Client of the new delivery date as soon as possible.

In case of cancellation of the translation project, the Client is obligated to pay to Integra the entire agreed amount or, in special individual cases and as agreed with Integra, only for that portion of the translation rendered until the time of cancellation and which is not disputed, according to the invoice prepared by Integra.

Integra has the right to cancel any contract concluded between Integra and the Client, as well as the Client’s purchase order, without additional explanation by sending a written notice to the Client.

Integra has the right to transfer its rights and obligations from these terms and conditions to a third party without special notice to the Client, either in part or in full.

The Client has no right, except with special written permission granted by Integra, to transfer their rights and obligations from these terms and conditions to a third party, either in part or in full.

In the event that the delivery or producing of the translation is delayed because of force majeure, neither Integra nor the Client is responsible. All the communication and notices related to the agreed translation are made in writing and delivered to the addresses (email addresses or by regular mail) of both parties.

5. Copyright

Integra remains the owner of the copyright for all translations and other delivered texts, unless otherwise agreed with the Client.

6. Guarantees and responsibilities

Integra guarantees to the Client that the translation will be rendered conscientiously, professionally and according to the rules of the profession, as well as within the agreed deadline.

Integra guarantees to the Client the confidentiality of information as well as the non-disclosure and safekeeping of business secrets, intellectual property and patents, whether registered or not.

Given that no data transmission via the Internet or by regular mail is in and of itself completely secure, Integra cannot guarantee the absolute security of data, but undertakes to do everything in its power to adequately protect data.

Integra is responsible neither for the content of the source text, the translation of which was requested by the Client, nor for the consequences that the translated content may have.

The Client will compensate Integra for all the damages Integra has incurred because of claims, losses or costs arising from any demands made to Integra arising from the content of the source texts translated by Integra for the Client.


  1. General provisions

Integra organises training seminars and workshops for translators on a semester-by-semester basis (spring and fall semester).

The seminar schedule is published at the beginning of the year and all users are informed about any news.

A sales contract is formed based on the application to attend a seminar and the payment of the registration fee. Integra, as the organiser, reserves the right to change the date and venue of the seminar. Integra will notify Users of all changes as soon as possible.

Integra, as the organiser, reserves the right to change the programme in case of unforeseen circumstances and is not responsible for possible non-adherence to the programme due to circumstances that it could not foresee, avoid or resolve.

The number of people who can register for a seminar is not limited, unless otherwise indicated (seminars marked with an asterisk).

2. Service prices and payment

Seminar prices are clearly listed in euros and include VAT. Special discounts are valid and approved exclusively for one-day seminars without a limited number of participants and for payment in advance (at least five days before the seminar date), unless otherwise stated.

The minimum number of participants is five for one-day and two-day seminars and ten for the so-called small seminars. If a small number of participants are registered, Integra can decide that the seminar will not take place. In such a case, Integra will refund the registration fees to the registered participants within three days of notifying them of this.

Participants pay for their participation in the seminar by transfer order, and the agreed amount is paid to Integra’s IBAN according to the issued proforma invoice, quote or invoice. The User and Integra agree on a possible instalment payment plan on a case-by-case basis.

3. Cancellation of participation in the seminar

If the User cancels their participation in the seminar two or fewer days before the seminar date, Integra retains 50% of the registration fee. If the User does not cancel their participation in the seminar and does not attend, Integra retains 100% of the registration fee.

It is advised to cancel the seminar in writing to our customer support email address or via the contact form on the website.

A unilateral termination of the contract is not possible according to Article 79 paragraph 12 of the Consumer Protection Act and Article 417 of the Civil Obligations Act.

Licenses and software

  1. General provisions

Integra is a representative and/or seller of digital products, namely the computer-assisted translation tool RWS Trados. The User (customer) can be a legal or a natural person.

2. Service prices and payment

The price of each individual product is listed in euros and includes VAT.

By purchasing a product through Integra’s website, the User is considered to have read and taken note of all of the above notices and consequently to have accepted these terms and conditions.

The purchase/sale of a product is concluded upon receipt of Integra’s order confirmation to the customer’s email address.

Payment is made by transfer order, and the agreed amount is paid to Integra’s IBAN according to the issued proforma invoice, quote or invoice. The User and Integra agree on a possible instalment payment plan with regard to any specific product.

3. Guarantees and responsibilities

The customer is obligated to provide accurate, valid and complete personal data when completing the purchase order and the failure to do so authorises Integra to deny all or some of the services to such a User.

Integra has the right to modify the content of these terms and conditions, the product range, prices and other information as well as all other content without prior notice, which is why the customer is obligated to review the content of the website and these terms and conditions before each purchase or order. The failure to do so releases Integra from any responsibility.

Integra is released from any responsibility for damage that could occur to any devices that allow access to websites and to data stored on these devices when using websites if the damage was caused by the illegal actions of third parties, computer viruses and other circumstances outside the responsibility of Integra. Additionally, Integra is released from any responsibility in the event of circumstances that prevent the use of the website.

Integra is obligated to inform the customer, in a timely manner, of all the features of a product, such as its availability, benefits, risks, performance, structure, the existence of customer support and a complaint resolution system, the method and date of manufacture or purchase, delivery, suitability for purpose, manner of use, quantity, specification, geographical or market origin and the results expected from its use.

Integra is obligated to inform the customer that, according to Article 79 paragraph 13 of the Consumer Protection Act, they have no right to unilaterally terminate the contract, unless the manufacturer has specified otherwise.

4. Complaints and disputes

These terms and conditions are in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act and other regulations of the Republic of Croatia. Customers can send written complaints to Integra, by regular mail or email.

Integra is obligated to confirm without delay that it has received a complaint, to inform the customer of how long it will take to process it and to inform them, in a timely manner, about the progress of that procedure, as well as to respond to the complaint no later than 15 days after having received it. Integra and the customer will try to resolve any possible disputes by agreement and amicably, and if they fail to do so, the court in Zagreb has jurisdiction.

RWS Trados

1. General provisions

Trados is software that connects to word-processing software and helps with the process of translation.

There is no time limit for using the software. The manufacturer (RWS) has the right and obligation to announce in advance how long the support for a certain version of the software will last (normally five to ten years), in accordance with its business policy. Users are informed in a timely manner about mandatory upgrades.

2. Prices and payment

The price for each product on offer on this website is the final price of the selected products with VAT included. If the price is not listed for a specific product, it means that it varies depending on the quantity and the customer’s requirements. In this case, the User can request a quote by writing to prodaja@integra.hr.

Payment is made by transfer order, and the agreed amount is paid to Integra’s IBAN according to the issued proforma invoice, quote or invoice. The User and Integra agree on a possible instalment payment plan with regard to any specific product.

3. Concluding a contract

After purchasing the license to use the RWS Trados software, the User receives it via email, alongside a network address and password for accessing and using the software, and can then use it freely without a time limit.

4. Delivery

The license for product use is sent to the email address the customer specified immediately upon receipt of payment.

The license contains the instructions for using the chosen product and the codes required for activation and use (user name and password or activation key, depending on the type of product).

The User downloads the corresponding product (software) from the manufacturer’s website according to the instructions provided.

In the event that the User cannot download the software product from the website or access the homepage of an online application using a particular IP address, and these technical problems are not related to Integra but caused by the customer, user or a third party, Integra is not deemed responsible.

5. The right to privacy

The customer’s personal data obtained through this website is protected and permanently stored in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act. The customer’s personal data will be used exclusively for the purposes of processing the customer’s order, issuing an invoice and issuing a license for the ordered Integra product, informing the User about the expiration of a license and for possible additional notices of special circumstances related to the use of the Integra product and the security of the User’s system (e.g. when the User is using an outdated version of the software for which the manufacturer will no longer provide support or in the event of the appearance of a new serious mass virus threat and the like). Only the persons and/or companies involved in the ordering and license-issuing process have access to the data obtained in this way, and Integra guarantees that it will not forward it, provide access to it or sell it to a third party.

The customer has the right to request the modification of their data or refuse to receive the said additional notices at any time.

The customer guarantees that the data they stated in the purchase order is accurate, complete and authentic, and by accepting these terms and conditions, they confirm that they agree to the said personal data being used for the stated purposes.

6. Guarantees and responsibilities

The guarantee entails the User’s or customer’s right to free support during the duration of the purchased license and in case of problems with the correct use of the program and any errors arising.

The manufacturer has the right and obligation to announce in advance how long the support for a certain version of the software will last (normally five to ten years), in accordance with its business policy.

The prices of the purchased licenses to use the software cannot be changed for the duration of the purchased license, which means that, in the event of the release of a new version of the software, the new price is applied only after the expiration of the old full license already paid for.

7. Unilateral termination of the contract

According to Article 79 paragraphs 9 and 13 of the Consumer Protection Act, the customer does not have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract if the object of the contract is the delivery of sealed computer software unsealed after delivery or if the object of the contract is the delivery of digital content not delivered using a physical medium, provided that the performance of the contract was done with the express prior consent of the customer and with their confirmation of being aware of the fact that they will thereby lose the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

These terms and conditions are effective from January 2023.

All objections, comments and suggestions can be sent to integra@integra.hr.