
Only a proofread text is a finished text.

Proofreading and copy editing is so much more than deleting or inserting commas; it is about making a text clear, precise and readable. Do you know how important it is to publish a text without spelling or grammatical errors, in appropriate style and with clear and consistent terminology? We do and we know how to get you there!

What goes into proofreading and copy editing?

The process of proofreading and copy editing is carried out in three stages, or three readings.
The first reading includes detecting and correcting as many spelling and grammatical errors as possible, considering also the different aspects of the text: syntax, morphology, phonology, lexicology and orthography. The second reading entails reading over the edited parts to recheck everything and make potential additional corrections. The third reading consists of rereading the edited text from start to finish to check if it works as a whole and to detect possible inconsistencies and leftover errors.

Rad u Multitermu - izrada glosara i stvaranje i upravljanje terminološkim bazama